Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Are you missing a tooth or two and looking to replace them? Your dentist may recommend dental implants to restore your smile—but not everyone may be a candidate for the procedure. Here’s how to know whether or not you’re a good candidate!

1. Healthy Gums

Having healthy gums is crucial because specialists must work closely with your gums during the procedure. Thus, patients who have gum infections like gingivitis or periodontal disease would not likely be ideal candidates.

2. Sufficient Bone Density

A sufficient amount of bone density is required in order for the implant to be protected and supported. Having a strong jaw is important when anchoring the implants. However, people who suffer from bone loss in their jawbone can still get dental implants, but it will require another set of procedures to rebuild your bone first.

3. Great Oral Health & Hygiene

A good candidate will have no infections or other dental problems that could interfere with the surgical procedure. They will also be devoted to taking exemplary care of their oral hygiene after the implant process, particularly to the surrounding gums. Daily brushing and flossing, as well as routine follow-up visits to the dentist are an important part of keeping your implants and your mouth in tip-top shape.

4. No Tobacco Use

Those who use tobacco products are not ideal for this procedure because smoking and tobacco prevents healing in the mouth and can decrease the chances of a successful implant. We recommend quitting smoking to protect your oral health!

4. Minimal Bruxism

Those who struggle with teeth grinding and clenching may place too much pressure on the implants and risk a failed end result. If you do grind your teeth, ask us about our custom-fitted nightguards to protect your smile.

Consult with Our Team!

If your oral health isn’t in the best shape, you could still be a candidate for dental implants; it will all depend on the severity of your condition. We recommend that you consult with our dentists for an expert opinion. At High Point Family Dentistry, we are devoted to providing quality oral care. We offer a FREE consultation for those interested in dental implants. Schedule an appointment with us today.

The possibility of reclaiming your smile is within reach!

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