$129 Exam & X-Ray in Illinois*

If you are looking for affordable dental care, our $129 special may be just for you! For just $129, you can receive the dental care that you need! If you are due for a dental check-up and want to make sure your smile is staying healthy, you don’t have to have dental insurance to afford a visit! Call us today to set up a new patient special and take the first step toward maintaining a healthy smile!

*New Patients Only.


Give one of our three offices a call or fill out the form.

Appointment Request Form

What Others Are Saying

“I didn’t realize that I haven’t really been receiving good dental care until I went to High Point Dentistry. I have the beginning stages of periodontal disease and they came up with an effective treatment plan for me and my gums are now healthier than they have been in years. Tina is my hygienist and whenever I leave after a cleaning, my teeth look amazing. She is also always in a great mood and you can tell she loves her job. HPD uses the latest technology and they have several options for people with different needs. They are also really great about figuring out what my insurance will cover so I can get the special treatments I need. Highly recommend!”

- Stephanie S., Yelp

- Stephanie S., Yelp

“Highly recommend this dentist/orthodontist. Entire staff is extremely friendly and professional and each individual room is decked out with a flat screen tv and you can watch whatever you want.”

- Elizabeth C., Facebook

- Elizabeth C., Facebook
