$129 Exam & X-Ray in Illinois*

If you are looking for affordable dental care, our $129 special may be just for you! For just $129, you can receive the dental care that you need! If you are due for a dental check-up and want to make sure your smile is staying healthy, you don’t have to have dental insurance to afford a visit! Call us today to set up a new patient special and take the first step toward maintaining a healthy smile!

*New Patients Only.


Give one of our three offices a call or fill out the form.

Appointment Request Form

What Others Are Saying

“Excellent dental practice meets spa. The comfort, amenities, and most importantly, the expertise, are all first rate. The care of the entire staff is the finest I have ever encountered. They are masters of pain control. And the prices, stated up front, are more than fair. I have a needed treatment program, and I am actually looking forward to going back to accomplish it. I intend to recommend them to everyone. They take dental care to a new level.”

- Donna M., Google

- Donna M., Google

“Been coming here for the last 4 years and have always had outstanding 5 star service. Everyone is so friendly and kind. Can’t see myself going anywhere else ever again! Dr. Kong is amazing!”

- Andrea G., Google

- Andrea G., Google
